1:45pm - 2:45pm
Breakout Session 9: Differing Minds Produce Greater Results
Register for This Event »Milton Hunt
For more than 20 years, Milton Hunt has lived all that he teaches and speaks in his Employee Training, Motivational Speaking, and Employee Coaching services and programs. Hunt is a Native American, a member of the Lumbee tribe, the ninth largest in the United States. Having embraced his heritage, the principles, methods, and messages he utilizes and shares with clients and audiences are a blend of both professional expertise and personal experience. Hunt possesses a unique perspective and remarkable ability to recognize vulnerabilities among populations and unify cultural and generational differences among individuals and groups of all ages. Those who engage with Hunt easily identify with him and they sense, “He understands me.” And he does. In combination, these qualities are distinctions that position Hunt at the forefront of industry leaders. Hunt has trained and coached in the corporate, government and private sectors. He also is a keynote and motivational speaker, an “edu-tainer,” known for delivering powerful and proven ideas in informative, captivating, and exciting ways. In all endeavors, Hunt performs with high energy and immense dedication.
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